Converting between reps, intersection testing


Chris Pollett

Apr 6, 2010



Converting from CSG's to B-rep's

Intersection of a circle and a square

More on Converting from CSG's to B-rep's

Dividing space into on, in, and out

Still More on Converting from CSG's to B-rep's


Which of the following statements is true?

  1. The medial axis skeleton of a 3D object is always a set of line segments.
  2. Using a winged edge representation we can tell which edges are adjacent to a given face.
  3. A octree is a kind of binary tree.

Converting from B-rep's to CSG

Two ellipses which cannot represent a shaded region

More Converting from B-rep's to CSG

We now break the process of converting between B-rep's and CSG's into steps.

  1. Use the b-rep of our solid `X` to specify half spaces associated with each face in the boundary.
  2. Since the halfspaces from 1 might not suffice to describe `X` in a CSG way, we then add additional separating halfspaces. We compute each of the possible canonical intersections of the halfspaces derived in 1. For each cell we classify it as in or out.
  3. We then take the union of the in cells.
  4. This decomposition might have redundant cells so we might run an optimization routine on it to reduce the number of cells.

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