Chris Pollett>Old Classes>PIC 20, Winter 2000>Hw3>Hw3 Solutions

Winter 2000 PIC 20 HW3 Solutions Page

// Program Name:
// Purpose: This is code for an applet with two buttons and a drawing area
//          used to demonstrate convex hulls. 
//          The user can click in the drawing area to draw a point to the  
//          screen.          
//          The Hullify button causes the polygon which is the convex hull
//          of the currently displayed points to be drawn.
//          The ClearScreen button clears the screen.   
// Known Bugs:  Draws convex polygon through top coordinate.
//              of point which doesn't look as nice as say drawing it
//              through the center.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class Convex extends JApplet
        JButton hullify; 
        JButton clearScreen;

        // Our applet is always in one of three drawing states
        // we are either about to draw a point, about to draw a polygon,
        // or about to clear the screen. We give these states the following
        // names:       
        final int DRWPOINT = 0, DRWPOLY=1, CLEAR = 2;

        int drawState = CLEAR; //start in clear screen state

        int xLoc =-10, yLoc = -10; // xLoc and yLoc should contain
                                   // the location of when the last mouse press
                                   // was. 

        boolean inApplet = false; //this flag is used to determine
                                  //if mouse is in applet or not. If not
                                  //we won't try to draw the point
                                  //and we won't try to add it to our current
                                  //Vector of points.
        HullPoints hull; //hull used to store locations of points that have
                         //been drawn. Its makePolygon() method will give us
                         //the convex hull.

        //Name: init()
        //Purpose: set up the applets JButtons and their
        //         ActionListeners. Also sets up the MouseEvent handler
        //         for the applet and initializes the HullPoints object
        //         used to keep of what points have been drawn and used
        //         used to compute the convex hull.
        public void init()      {
                Container c=getContentPane();

                MouseHandler mHandler = new MouseHandler(this);
                        //MouseHandler is our inner class defined
                        // below to handle MouseEvents

                c.setLayout(new FlowLayout());

                hullify = new JButton("Hullify");
                hullify.addActionListener( new ActionListener() 
                                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                ); // this ActionListener without a name is an example
                   // of an anonymous inner class.


                clearScreen = new JButton("ClearScreen");
                clearScreen.addActionListener( new ActionListener() 
				public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)



                hull =new HullPoints();

        //Name: update
        //Purpose: This is a method built-in to class JApplet that we have
        //         overridden. It is normally called by repaint() after
        //         repaint() gets the applet's Graphics object g. It normally
        //         clears the screen and then calls paint(g). This would
        //         erase the points we've drawn so we've overriden it so that
        //         it only clears the screen if we're in the CLEAR state.
        public void update( Graphics g)
                else{ paint (g );}

        //Name: paint
        //Purpose: Depending on the value of drawState either draws
        //         a point, a polygon, or redraw the buttons.
        //         (can be done using super.paint(g);)
        //         If drawState is not DRWPOINT then it is
        //         set to be DRWPOINT
        public void paint( Graphics g)

                        case DRWPOINT:
                                if (inApplet)
                                {      g.setColor(;
				       g.fillOval(xLoc,yLoc, 5,5);
				       hull.addPoint(xLoc, yLoc);

			case DRWPOLY:
				drawState = DRWPOINT;

			case CLEAR:
				drawState =DRWPOINT;



        // Name: MouseHandler
        // Purpose: Inner class used to handle events for Convex applets
        class MouseHandler extends MouseAdapter
                Convex c; //will contain the instance of class Convex
                          //for which mouse events are going to be handled

                //constructor sets up which instance
                public MouseHandler(Convex convex){ c= convex;}

                //Purpose: signal to our instance of Convex
                //         that the mouse is now pointing in the applet
                //         area.
                public void mouseEntered( MouseEvent e)
                        c.inApplet = true;

                //Purpose: signal to our instance of Convex
                //         that the mouse has now left the applet
                //         area.
                public void mouseExited( MouseEvent e)
                        c.inApplet = false;

                //         (1) set current Convex instances values of
                //             xLoc and yLoc to current location
                //         (2) call repaint()
		public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e)
			c.xLoc = e.getX();
			c.yLoc = e.getY();


// Program Name:
// Purpose: This class is used to store points in a Vector
//	    using its public method addPoint(Point p).
//	    The method makePolygon() is able to return the
//	    convex hull of these points using Jarvis'
//	    Gift Wrapping Algorithm. The public method
//	    clear() can be used to delete the Points
//	    stored in the Vector.
// Known Bugs: none

import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class HullPoints implements CreatePolygon
	Vector MyPoints; // this is where we will store our
			 // Points.

        //Name: HullPoints()
        //Purpose: Constructor initializes vectore of Points MyPoint
	//	   to be empty. 

	public HullPoints()
		MyPoints = new Vector();

        //Name: makePolygon()
        //Purpose: Computes the polygon that is convex hull of the Points stored
	//	   in MyVector. If fewer than 3 points it just
	//	   returns those points in a Polygon
	//	   Otherwise, computes the point, min, of minimal
	//	   horizontal value. Then the point, max, of maximal
	//	   horizontal value. Then using a vertical line and 
	//	   starting at min until one gets to max calculate
	//	   the next point of minimal clockwise angle. Add these
	//	   points in turn to the polygon.
	//	   Then using a vertical line and starting at max
	//	   until one gets to min calculate
	//	   the next point of minimal clockwise angle greater than 180.
	//         Add these points in turn to the polygon.
	//	   The Polygon obtained from the above procedure is then
	//	   returned.

	public Polygon makePolygon()
		Point min, max, minTheta, maxTheta;
		Polygon hull;

		hull = new Polygon();

		//less than 3 points case

		if(MyPoints.size() < 3)
			for(int i=0; i< MyPoints.size(); i++)
				min = (Point) MyPoints.elementAt(i);
			return hull;

		//find the point with minimal horizontal value
		min = minHor();

		// find the point with maximal horizontal value
		max = maxHor();

		minTheta =min;

		// starting with min successively find points of
		// of minimal angle from current point till get to max
		  hull.addPoint(minTheta.x, minTheta.y);
		  minTheta = minAng(minTheta);
		} while( minTheta != max);

		maxTheta =max;

		// starting with max successively find points of
		// of minimal angle >180 from current point till get to min
		  hull.addPoint(maxTheta.x, maxTheta.y);
		  maxTheta = minAng(maxTheta);
		} while( maxTheta != min);

		return hull;

        //Name: addPoint
        //Purpose: This method creates a Point out of its two
	//	    input parameters x and y
	//	    then add this Point to the Vector
	//	    of Points MyPoint.

	public void addPoint(int x, int y)
		MyPoints.addElement(new Point(x,y));

        //Name: clear
        //Purpose: deletes all the points from internally
	//	   stored Vector of points MyPoints

	public void clear()
		MyPoints =new Vector();

	//Name: minHor
	//Purpose: calculates the point in MyVector
	//	   of minimal horizontal value

	private Point minHor()

		Point curMin = (Point) MyPoints.elementAt(0);
		Point tmp;

		for(int i=1; i < MyPoints.size(); i++)
			tmp = (Point) MyPoints.elementAt(i);
			if(curMin.x > tmp.x || 
				(curMin.x == tmp.x && curMin.y > tmp.y)) 
					{curMin =tmp;} 

			// in case of ties look at min y value			

		return curMin;		

        //Name: maxHor
        //Purpose: calculates the point in MyVector
	//	   of maximal horizontal value

	private Point maxHor()

		Point curMax = (Point) MyPoints.elementAt(0);
		Point tmp;

		for(int i=1; i < MyPoints.size(); i++)
			tmp = (Point)MyPoints.elementAt(i);
			if(curMax.x < tmp.x || 
				(curMax.x == tmp.x && curMax.y < tmp.y)) 
					{curMax =tmp;}
				// in case of ties look at max y value		

		return curMax;	

        //Name: minAng
        //Purpose: returns Point p in MyVector of point of minimal clockwise
	//	   angle from the vertical line through p

	private Point minAng(Point p)
		Point curMin = (Point) MyPoints.elementAt(0);
		Point tmp;
		int cross;

		if( p == curMin) curMin = (Point) MyPoints.elementAt(1);

		for(int i=0; i < MyPoints.size(); i++)
			tmp = (Point) MyPoints.elementAt(i);
			if(tmp == p) continue;

			cross = crossProd(p, curMin, tmp);

			if(cross > 0 ) {curMin =tmp;} 	

		return curMin;				

        //Name: maxAng
        //Purpose: returns Point p in MyVector of point of minimal
	//	   clockwise angle greater than 180 from the vertical
	//	   through p

	private Point maxAng(Point p)
		Point curMax = (Point) MyPoints.elementAt(0);
		Point tmp;
		int cross;

		if( p == curMax) curMax = (Point) MyPoints.elementAt(1);

		for(int i=0; i < MyPoints.size(); i++)
			tmp = (Point) MyPoints.elementAt(i);
			if(tmp == p) continue;

			cross = crossProd(p, curMax, tmp);

			if(cross < 0 ) {curMax =tmp;} 	 	 

		return curMax;	

        //Name: crossProd
        //Purpose: Used by minAng and maxAng to compute
	//         the cross product (b-a)X(c-a) in R^2 of
	//	   the points a, b,c.	   

	private int crossProd(Point a, Point b, Point c)
		return (b.x - a.x)*(c.y - a.y) - (c.x -a.x)*(b.y - a.y);

// Program Name:
// Purpose: An interface that requires classes that implement it
//	    to be able to return a polygon for drawing
// Known Bugs:  none.

import java.awt.*; //imported to get class Polygon

public interface CreatePolygon
	public abstract Polygon makePolygon();