Finish Logging and Recovery; Startup Restart


Chris Pollett

May 4, 2010



What does a checkpoint look like?

The main components of a checkpoint is as follows:

What happens during a checkpoint?

Building an Undo List with Checkpoint

Undo Recovery Exaample

Build Redo List with Checkpoints

When to Take Checkpoints

Unlike a unit of recovery record, which is specified for transactions and driven by SQL statements, a checkpoint is a system-wide event. It can be scheduled by a system parameter, or triggered by a coordinator like IMS/DC, CICS, DB2's LOGLOAD, or by stopping DB2, etc. Checkpoints are also taken:

Other DB2 Logs


Which of the following statements is true?

  1. Intent exclusive locks are usually row level locks
  2. The default isolation level for applications in DB2 is Cursor Stability
  3. One cannot tell from the logs whether or not DB2 crashed during a recovery.

Using Archives to Resolve Media Failures

Archiving Approaches

What to Archive?

You can use the new BACKUP SYSTEM utility to back up an entire DB2 subsystem or an entire DB2 data sharing group.

The BACKUP SYSTEM utility provides two options that you can specify:

Data Copy : Full or Incremental

Recovery Process

Startup and Restart

Getting DB2 Running

Configuring a DB2 Instance

Start-up Sequence

Types of Termination and Restarts

Normal Shutdown

During Normal System Shutdown

This whole process might take a while.

The Restart Process

System Restart Phases

Restart Phases

Restart Type

Normal Restart

We next look at the phases of recovery for a normal restart.