Finish L10n, Scalability


Chris Pollett

Nov 30, 2016


Dynamic String Translation


Let's Experiment

Pick two of the pages of your Hw3 (not Hw4) solution. For each page, get a transcript of doing 1000 requests to that page using Apache Bench. Try three different settings for the concurrency 1, 10, 100.

Post what you observed to the Nov 30 Discussion Thread.

Scaling a Web-site

Example Web-site Architecture

Organization of a website show squids, http servers, memcached server, databases.

Remarks on Architecture

Content Delivery Networks

Object Relational Mappings


Running memcached

Demo of connecting to memcached as a human - set

Demo of connecting to memcached as a human - get

Some Remarks on Memcached

Using memcached in PHP

Example Memcache Test

<head><title>Memcache Test</title></head>
  $memcached = new Memcached();
  $memcached->addServer("localhost", 11211);
  $memcached->set("bob", "value", 60);
  echo "<p>".$memcached->get("bob")."</p>";