Finish CSS, PHP Data Types, and PHP Functions


Chris Pollett

Sep 19, 2016


Box Model

More on the Box Model

Background Images

Position and Display Properties

Keyboard Shortcuts

Introducing PHP


Configuring PHP


Which of the following statements is true?

  1. The align attribute is used in HTML 5 to control the vertical centering of text within a td tags.
  2. To make a table data tag, a td tag, span several columns one could use the colspan attribute.
  3. To associate styles with tags having a particular class attribute one can use an ID selector in CSS.


Which of the following statements is true?

  1. To make a table header tag, a th tag, span several rows one could use the rowspan attribute.
  2. The valign attribute is used in HTML 5 to force the centering of text on a line within td tags.
  3. To associate styles with tags of a particular ID one can use a class selector in CSS.

General Syntax