1. It should be noted that this solution works for Firefox on a Mac not on a PC: 2. 3. /* C style comment */ .red { color: red; } 4. Data binding allows programmers to copy the value of a property of a flex control to a property of another flex control or to copy the value of an actionscript variable or an field of an actionscript class to a property of a flex control. [Bindable] public var textvar:String = "test button"; 5. package Foo { public class Bob { //variable public functon Bob() { //constructor } //other functions } } 6. 7. ==========Save following file as test.mxml=========== ========================================================= =================Save this file as test1.html============ 8. RewriteRule ^/something/([a-zA-Z0-9]*)/([a-zA-Z0-9]*)$ something.php?low=$1&hi=$2 9. Sometimes people look at the User-Agent header to see if it is a spider and based on this serve a different page which is more friendly to the spider. This is called cloaking and is risky as it can get one banned from search results. 10 -- This problem won't be on the final