HW#4 --- last modified February 28 2019 23:08:09..

Solution set.

Due date: Nov 16

Files to be submitted:

Purpose: To get experience creating a web business whose details are up to you, but which meets certain minimum requirements.

Related Course Outcomes:

The main course outcomes covered by the coding part of this assignment are:

(1) Write HTML documents containing standard HTML elements including forms, tables, client-side scripts, and server-side scripts,

(3) Write server-side scripts that process HTML forms,

and (5) Develop and deploy web applications that involve components, web services, and databases.


For this homework your goal is to take a first pass at developing a web business. This project will be continued and improved upon in HW5. All the files for your project should be submitted in Hw4.zip. This ZIP file should contain a readme.txt file which describes where to find and how to test all the requirements given in the point breakdown below. For the first part of your project I would like each team to come up with a one page description of your business. This should describe: (a) what your product is, (b) who your market is, and (c) how the web-site for your product will generate revenue. Put this write-up in the file Description.pdf and put this PDF in your ZIP file.

Based on your start-up plan, you should now begin to develop your business' web-site. This site should allow new users to register. The registration process should make use of a captcha as well as send an e-mail with a link in it to finish the registration. Once registered, a returning user should be given the opportunity to sign into your web-site. If the user is returning after a period of less than 1 day, a $_SESSION variable should be used to remember the user so they can skip the login step. User information as well as any information about your business products should be stored in a mysql database. You should submit as part of your homework a file database.sql which contains a SQL script to set up the databases for your web business. When deploying your business the grader will run your script where you tell him and then see how your business looks. As this is a first pass at setting up your business, beyond the registration component I am only expecting to see a "first pass" at the implementation of the core functionality of your web-site. Evidence of such a first pass can be given by doing at least two of the following: (a) showing products based on data contained in your database, (b) allowing users to post information in a forum that other users can see and interact with, (c) integration of a shopping cart into your web site (for instance, your HW3 code), or (d) integration of some feature that allows you to generate revenue (Paypal, Google Ads, or Authorize.net credit card capabilities). At least one of these two forms of evidence must be done using AJAX/ AJAX with JSON data. As usual all code in this assignment must be entirely your own. Do not borrow scripts from anywhere.

Point Breakdown

Description.pdf (grammar, spelling, coherence will be worth 1pt of the 2pts)2pts
New user registration as described (uses database) and captcha works2pts
Registration completion via e-mail works1pt
Returning user code works as described1pt
database.sql file as described2pts
Evidence of 1st pass implementation as described above2pts