Finish CSS, PHP Data Types, and PHP Functions


Chris Pollett

Feb 22, 2016


Position and Display Properties

Last week, we were talking about various properties of a tag that can be set using cascading style sheets. The last thing we covered was how to set the background-image of an element (I will tend to use element and tag interchangeably). Today, let's start by considering how to position elements on the screen using CSS...

Keyboard Shortcuts

Introducing PHP


Configuring PHP

General Syntax


Which of the following statements is true?

  1. To specify two class selectors should apply to a tag, one space separates them as the value of the class attribute as in: <some-tag class="selector-1 selector-2">
  2. Server Side Includes support for-loops.
  3. In the box model, padding is the distance between the border of a box and the outer edge.


Integer, String, and Boolean Type

Arithmetic Operators,etc
