Software Flaw Examples, Malware


Chris Pollett

Nov 28, 2012


Memory Organization

On Monday, we described how Trudy if she got lucky could use a buffer overflow to authenticate herself. Today, we begin by trying to understand how Trudy can increase her odds. To do that we need to know a little about how memory in a computer process is typically organized.

Computer Memory Organization

Simplified Stack Example

Stack Example
void func(int a, int b){
    char buffer[10];
void main(){
    func(1, 2);

Smashing the Stack

Buffer Overflow and evil return address

Smashing the Stack

Buffer Overflow with higher odds of success

Stack Smashing Summary

Stack Smashing Example

Buffer Overflow Present?

Disassemble Code

Buffer Overflow Exploit

Overflow Attack, Take 2

Buffer Overflow

Source Code

Overflow Source Code

Stack Smashing Defenses

Microsoft's Canary


Buffer Overflow

HW Problem

Exercise 11.6. Recall that a canary is a special value that is pushed onto the stack after the return address.

(a) How is a canary used to prevent stack smashing attacks?

Answer. A canary is used together with run time stack checking. The run time stack checking system is invoked when the return address is popped off the stack. The system checks that before the return address a "canary" byte string still exists. This byte string often contains characters like \0 to prevent a string from overrunning the stack data. If it doesn't exist an error state is gone into.

(b) How was Microsoft's implementation of this technique, the /GS compiler option flawed?

Answer. With the /GS flag, the error state that was gone into by the run time stack checking system jumps to a user defined handler function. This handler function turned out to be specifiable by an attacker. Thus, the attacker could jump to their code.

Incomplete Mediation -- Input Validation

Input Validation

Incomplete Mediation

Race Condition

mkdir Race Condition

mkdir Attack

Race Conditions

Malware -- Malicious Software

Where do Viruses Live?

Malware Examples


Morris Worm