Introduction to Public Key Cryptography


Chris Pollett

Sep. 17, 2012


Public Key Cryptography

Some uses of Public Key Cryptography

We remark here that in the public key setting the plaintext is often referred to as the message, and we will use the variable `M` when talking about messages.


Which of the following is true?

  1. AES is a Feistel cipher.
  2. DES is a Feistel cipher.
  3. ECB mode is immune to cut-and-paste attacks.


Variants of Knapsack

Knapsack Cryptosystem

Knapsack Keys

Knapsack Cryptosystem

Knapsack Weakness


RSA Encryption/Decryption

Does RSA Really Work?

Simple RSA Example

RSA Example - Encryption/Decryption

More Efficient RSA - Repeated Squaring

More Efficient RSA - Simple `e`