The Archive, Serializability


Chris Pollett

Apr 9, 2018


The Archive

Non-quiescent Archiving

Recovery Using an Archive and a Log


Which of the following statements is true?

  1. If `langle T,X,v rangle` is an undo log record, then `v` is the new value for `X`
  2. `langle T,X,v rangle` is a redo log record, then `v` is the new value for `X`.
  3. The second step of nonquiescent, Undo/Redo checkpointing is to wait until all the transaction that were active at the start of the checkpoint commit or abort.

Concurrency Control


Serial Schedules

Serializable Schedules

Conflict Serializable

Testing for Conflict Serializability

Example Precedence Graph

Serializable versus Conflict Serializable