Finish E/R, E/R Relation Mapping, Other High Level Models


Chris Pollett

Oct 21, 2019



E/R To Relational Mapping

Step 1 - Mapping Entity Sets

Step 2 - Mapping Weak Entity Sets

Mapping Weak Entity Sets

Step 3 - Mapping One-One relationships

Step 4 - Mapping Many-One relationships

Mapping Many One Relationships

Step 5 - Mapping Many-many relationships

Mapping Many Many Relationships

Step 6 - Mapping Multiway relationships

Step 7 - Mapping Isa Relationships


Which of the following is true?

  1. A Weak Entity Set's key can be determined from its partial key attributes and the key attributes of the entity sets it participates in supporting relationships with.
  2. All E/R diagram relationships are binary.
  3. It is never possible to simplify an E/R diagram by replacing entity sets with attributes.

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