SQL, More Relational Model


Chris Pollett

Sep 10, 2018



SQL - Overview

SQL - Relations

SQL - Types

Before we give the syntax of CREATE TABLE in any detail, let's consider some of the supported attribute data types:

  1. Character strings of fixed or varying length. CHAR(n) is used to denote a fixed-length string of up to `n` characters padded using trailing spaces to make `n` chars. So a CHAR(5) column asked to store 'foo' stores it as 'foo '. VARCHAR(n) is used to store strings of up to `n` characters. These are usually represented as null terminated strings or as structs with a length component.
  2. Bit strings of fixed or varying length. BIT(n) and BIT VARYING(n) denote strings of length `n` or up to length `n` respectively.
  3. BOOLEAN. This can have as values TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN.
  4. INT or INTEGER. These denote integer values (32 bits). SHORTINT and BIGINT might be used to store an integer number of half as many or twice as many bits.
  5. Floating-point numbers. Typical floating point numbers (32 bits) are indicated using REAL or FLOAT (synonyms). Higher precision floats can be represented using DOUBLE PRECISION. There is also a fixed decimal point type DECIMAL(n,d) where `n` is the total number of digits and d is after the decimal point. For example, DECIMAL(6,2) might store a value like: 0123.45
  6. Dates and times. DATE for dates and TIME for times. Example values might be: DATE '1948-05-14' and TIME '15:00:02.5'.


Which of the following is true?

  1. The buffer manager's task is to bring appropriate portions of the data from secondary storage (disk) where it is kept permanently, to the main memory buffers.
  2. The ACID Properties of a transaction are mainly concerned with how fast a transaction should operate.
  3. The Semistructured Model organizes data into relations.

SQL - Table Definitions

The simplest form of declaration of a relation in SQL consists of the keywords CREATE TABLE followed by the name of the relation and a parenthesized, comma separated list of the attribute names and their types. Below are some examples:

    title CHAR(100), 
    year INT, 
    length INT, 
    genre CHAR(10), 
    studioName CHAR(30), 
    producerC# INT

    name CHAR(30),
    address VARCHAR(255), 
    gender CHAR(1), 
    birthdate DATE

SQL - Table Modification

SQL - Default Values

Declaring Keys

Algebraic Query Languages

Overview of the Relational Algebra