Finish Adversarial Games, Constraint Satisfaction


Chris Pollett

Feb 23, 2015



The Minimax Algorithm

The minimax algorithm below computes the minimax decision from the current state. So we could use it to actually make an agent that could play a game.

Here `argmax_(a in s) f(a)` returns the element `a` of set `S` that has the maximum value of `f(a)`.

function MINIMAX-DECISION(state) return an action //it is assume is MAX's turn
    return argmax_(a in ACTION(state)) MIN-VALUE(RESULT(state, a))

function MAX-VALUE(state) return a utility value
    if (TERMINAL_TEST(state) == true) then return UTILITY(state, MAX)
    v := -infty
    for each a in ACTION(state) do
      v := MAX(v, MIN-VALUE(RESULT(state, a))) 
    return v

function MIN-VALUE(state) return a utility value
    if (TERMINAL_TEST(state) == true) then return UTILITY(state,MAX)
    v := infty
    for each a in ACTION(state) do
      v := MIN(v, MAX-VALUE(RESULT(state, a))) 
    return v

Remarks on Minimax Algorithm


Which of the following is true?

  1. An admissible heuristic for the `A^(star)`-algorithm never underestimates the cost to a solution.
  2. `k`- Local beam search is another name for hill-climbing with `k`-restarts.
  3. If the UTILITY to MAX of a winning tic-tac-toe board is 1, a losing board is -1, and a tie board is 0, then the MINIMAX value of an empty tic-tac-toe board is 0.

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CSP Definition

Definition Example

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