CS116b Spring 2005Practice Midterm 1

To study for the midterm I would suggest you: (1) Know how to do (by heart) all the practice problems. (2) Go over your notes three times. Second and third time try to see how huch you can remember from the first time. (3) Go over the homework problems. (4) Try to create your own problems similar to the ones I have given and solve them. (5) Skim the relevant sections from the book. (6) If you want to study in groups, at this point you are ready to quiz each other. The practice midterm is below. Here are some facts about the actual midterm: (a) The midterm will be in class Mar 2. (b) It is closed book, closed notes. Nothing will be permitted on your desk except your pen (pencil) and test. (c) You should bring photo ID. (d) There will be more than one version of the test. Each version will be of comparable difficulty. (e) If your cell-phone or beeper goes off you will be excused from the test at that point and graded on what you have done till your excusal. (f) One problem (less typos) on the actual test will be from the practice test.

Student Generated Solutions-PDF.

1. Give the parametric equation for a torus centered at the origin of radius 2 and axial radial 6.

2. Give a fragment of C++ with OpenGL calls necessary to create a GLU based quadric, make it wireframe, then draw a cylinder of radius 3 and height 5 centered at the original with 10 longitude and latitude lines.

3. Briefly explain what a Gaussian density function is and how it is useful in computer graphics.

4. Draw an example curve that satisfies a C0 continuity condition but now a G1 continuity condition,

5. Give the polynomial equation for cubic Hermite Spline P defined between the points p0=(0,0,0) and p1=(1,2,3) where P'(0) is (1, 0, 0) and P'(1) is (0, 0, 1).

6. What special case of a cardinal spline is a Catmull-Rom spline?

7. What is the polynomial for BEZ3,5(u)?

8. What would be the control points for the cubic B-spline that draws the same curve as in problem 5 and which has knot vector {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}.

9. Give the rough sequence of calls needed to use the GLU B-Spline surface functions to draw a surface.

10. Give the fractal dimension of the figure generated by the following process: F0 is a filled equilateral triangle centered at the origin. Fn+1 is obtained from Fn would by taking each triangle in Fn and removing triangle defined by the three midpoints of each of its sides.