Sugarscape Enhancement Projects

1. In addition to the average energy, it will also be interesting to look at the energy distribution, the division of "rich" and "poor" among turtles. How could we show the correlation between metabolism, broadcast range, initial energy, and energy after some elapsed amount of time?

2. Add controls that allow users to adjust grow back rate of sugar. See how this impacts carrying capacity.

3. In the current version, all turtles are greedy. When they arrive at a patch, they fill up. What if turtles are endowed with a random percentage of altruism. A greedy turtle has 0% altruism, but a turtle that's 50% altruistic with an energy level of 70%, say,  doesn't fill up, but instead only fills up to 70% + 50% * 30% = 85%. What grow back rates favor altruistic turtles?

4. What if turtles die after a certain amount of time. Just before they die, they can mate if they have enough energy and if there is a nearby suitor. Their offspring inherits the average of both parent's attributes, including energy supply. Track the averages of these attributes over many generations.

5. Currently a turtle awards a contract to the nearest patch. Alternatively, we could add money to the system. Each patch charges a certain amount of money per unit for its sugar. Since a turtle must always move to find sugar, it will eventually die if it has no money. A patch fixes the price of sugar according to demand as measured by the length of its rfp queue.