Numbers in this list are not consecutive because they coincide with those in the List of All Publications
28. Mathpert: An expert system for learning mathematics, Proceedings of the Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics Education, Columbus, Ohio, October, 1988, pp. 9-14, Addison-Wesley (1989).
29. The user model in Mathpert, an expert system for learning mathematics, in: Bierman, Breuker, and Sandberg (eds.), Artificial Intelligence and Education '89, pp. 9-14, IOS, Amsterdam (1989).
30. Logic and computation in Mathpert: An expert system for learning mathematics, in: Kaltofen and Watt (eds.), Computers and Mathematics '89, pp. 202-214, Springer-Verlag, New York/ Heidelberg/ Berlin (1989).
31. A computerized environment for learning algebra, trigonometry, and calculus, Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education 1 (1990) 65-76.
34. Mathpert: Computer support for learning algebra, trigonometry, and calculus, in: A. Voronkov (ed.), Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 624,Springer-Verlag (1992).
36. Using nonstandard analysis to verify the correctness of computations, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Vol. 6, No. 3 (1995) 299-338.
37. Design Principles of Mathpert: Software to support education in algebra and calculus, in: Kajler, N. (ed.) Computer-Human Interaction in Symbolic Computation, pp. 89-115, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/ Heidelberg/ New York (1998).
46. MathXpert : un logiciel pour aider les élèves à apprendre les mathématiques par l'action, to appear in Sciences et Techniques Educatives in 2001. An English translation is available here in HTML form--just click and view: MathXpert: Learning Mathematics in the 21st Century. If you want to download it, be sure to save the many .gif files that go with it.